

ing. M.A.C.M. (Martijn) van den Boom

Computer Infrastructure Architect
ingenieur, docent en mentor

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ing. M.A.C.M. (Martijn) van den Boom

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Zie hieronder een voorbeeld script om aan het einde van de regel helemaal rechts uitgelijnd een SUCCES melding in het groen of een FAILED melding in het rood te krijgen.


# Set the message
success_message="Your command was successful"
failed_message="Your command failed"

# Set the "OK" string in green
ok="$(tput setaf 2)[SUCCES]$(tput sgr0)"
failed="$(tput setaf 1)[FAILED]$(tput sgr0)"

# Get the width of the terminal
term_width=$(tput cols)+9

# Calculate the number of dots needed
success_dots_count=$((term_width - ${#success_message} - ${#ok}))
failed_dots_count=$((term_width - ${#failed_message} - ${#failed}))

# Create a string of dots for success and failed messages
success_dots=$(printf "%0.s." $(seq 1 $success_dots_count))
failed_dots=$(printf "%0.s." $(seq 1 $failed_dots_count))

# Print the success message with dots and "OK" at the end of the line
printf "%s%s%s\n" "$success_message " "$success_dots" " $ok"

# Print the failed message with dots and "FAILED" at the end of the line
printf "%s%s%s\n" "$failed_message " "$failed_dots" " $failed"

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